Reprimand for wife-beating book author: "MADRID, Sept. 29 (UPI) -- A Madrid judge has ordered a Muslim cleric, who wrote a book on how to beat one's wife without leaving marks on her body, to read up on Spain's constitution."
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
NASA World Wind
NASA World Wind: "
World Wind lets you zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth. Leveraging Landsat satellite imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data, World Wind lets you experience Earth terrain in visually rich 3D, just as if you were really there.
Virtually visit any place in the world. Look across the Andes, into the Grand Canyon, over the Alps, or along the African Sahara."
Posted by
7:45 PM
Why Vista wants to shut out other OSes
Why Vista wants to shut out other OSes: "On a drive up to Birmingham in the mid-'90s, Ross Bentley and I figured out that an easy way around file-level security on Windows NT is provided simply by installing a second instance of the operating system. An administrator of the second instance, e.g. the installer, can take ownership of files created on the first instance then do with them as they please - except they cannot give ownership."
Posted by
7:38 PM
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Halbach Array
Halbach Array: "The late Klaus Halbach of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory discovered an interesting permanent magnet configuration that concentrates magnetic flux on one side of the array and cancels it on the other. He originally designed it for focusing the beams of particle accelerators. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists Post and Ryutov developed the idea into a model Maglev train, the only one so far that uses permanent magnets--it floats over a series of short-circuited coils at only 5 mph or so (the 'Inductrack' system). Maglev trains, motors and generators using circular Halbach arrays have already been patented--the advantages include minimized drag from eddy current effects (drag decreases as speed increases), reduced power consumption (no giant electromagnets needed), reduced exposure of train passengers to high magnetic fields, and other things that we haven't even begin to explore yet.
Our only result from experimentation so far has been a one-sided refrigerator magnet. Though it seems trivial at first, this magnet array seems frighteningly close to a magnetic was enough to freak out the entire staff!"
Posted by
5:38 PM
Inductrak: "Lawrence Livermore scientists have recently developed a new approach to magnetically levitating high-speed trains that is fundamentally much simpler in design and operation (requiring no superconducting coils or stability control circuits), potentially much less expensive, and more widely adaptable than other maglev systems. The new technology, called Inductrack, employs special arrays of permanent magnets that induce strong repulsive currents in a 'track' made up of coils, pushing up on the cars and levitating them.
Totally Passive Technology
During the past two years, a Livermore team, headed by physicist Richard Post, has successfully demonstrated the Inductrack concept in test trials. The test runs demonstrated the system's totally passive nature, meaning that achieving levitation requires no control currents to maintain stability, and no externally supplied currents flowing in the tracks. Instead, only the motion of train cars above the track is needed to achieve stable levitation. The results have been so promising that NASA has awarded a three-year contract to the team to explore the concept as a way to more efficiently launch satellites into orbit."
Posted by
5:21 PM
Maglev Systems Development Department Home Page
Maglev Systems Development Department Home Page
A super high-speed transport system with a non-adhesive drive system that is independent of wheel-and-rail frictional forces has been a long-standing dream of railway engineers. Maglev, a combination of superconducting magnets and linear motor technology, realizes super high-speed running, safety, reliability, low environmental impact and minimum maintenance.
Posted by
5:01 PM
Molecule Walks Like A Human -- Potential Applications In Molecular Computing
Molecule Walks Like A Human -- Potential Applications In Molecular Computing: "RIVERSIDE, Calif. – A research team, led by UC Riverside’s Ludwig Bartels, is the first to design a molecule that can move in a straight line on a flat surface. It achieves this by closely mimicking human walking. The “nano-walker” offers a new approach for storing large amounts of information on a tiny chip and demonstrates that concepts from the world we live in can be duplicated at the nanometer scale – the scale of atoms and molecules."
Posted by
4:18 PM
2/9/2005 -- Bush takes heat on global warming
2/9/2005 -- Bush takes heat on global warming:
"As politicians and commentators around the world took in pictures of the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, many seized the opportunity to blame the fierce storm, at least in part, on the Bush administration's environmental policy."
Posted by
2:33 PM
The Observer | International | Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us
The Observer | International | Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us: "The findings will prove humiliating to the Bush administration, which has repeatedly denied that climate change even exists. Experts said that they will also make unsettling reading for a President who has insisted national defence is a priority.
The report was commissioned by influential Pentagon defence adviser Andrew Marshall, who has held considerable sway on US military thinking over the past three decades. He was the man behind a sweeping recent review aimed at transforming the American military under Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
Climate change 'should be elevated beyond a scientific debate to a US national security concern', say the authors, Peter Schwartz, CIA consultant and former head of planning at Royal Dutch/Shell Group, and Doug Randall of the California-based Global Business Network."
Posted by
2:16 PM
The Environment
The Environment: "The environmental policies of George W. Bush will result in more death and destruction than anything else in history. It is almost as if they are trying to end life on earth. TVNL chronicles the crimes against the planet known as the George W. Bush environmental policy."
Posted by
2:14 PM
Bush takes heat on global warming - Health & Science - International Herald Tribune
Bush takes heat on global warming - Health & Science - International Herald Tribune: "As politicians and commentators around the world took in pictures of the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, many seized the opportunity to blame the fierce storm, at least in part, on the Bush administration's environmental policy."
Posted by
2:12 PM
Judge questions Oracle chief 's plan to settle suit - Business - International Herald Tribune
Judge questions Oracle chief 's plan to settle suit - Business - International Herald Tribune: "The lawsuit that would be resolved by the settlement contended that Ellison sold $900 million of shares in January 2001 because he knew in advance that Oracle would not meet its earnings target. After the announcement weeks later, the stock was worth slightly more than half as much."
Posted by
2:04 PM
Judge questions Oracle chief 's plan to settle suit - Business - International Herald Tribune
Judge questions Oracle chief 's plan to settle suit - Business - International Herald Tribune: "The lawsuit that would be resolved by the settlement contended that Ellison sold $900 million of shares in January 2001 because he knew in advance that Oracle would not meet its earnings target. After the announcement weeks later, the stock was worth slightly more than half as much."
Posted by
2:04 PM
Microcephalin and ASPM Genes Determine Human Brain Size - Genetics and Public Health Blog
Microcephalin and ASPM Genes Determine Human Brain Size - Genetics and Public Health Blog: "In the last 60,000 years, the human brain has continued to evolve. Two genes--microcephalin and ASPM--appear to play a role in determining the size of the human brain. They were first discovered in studies of microcephaly, a congenital disease in which people are born with smaller than average brains.
Brain size, however, isn't necessarily correlated with intelligence. The genes may be useful in some tangential way, such as increased fertility or resistance to disease. "
Posted by
10:35 AM
Pharyngula: "But heck yeah, it seems obvious to me that if you base national policy on pious ignorance and the low-rent tribal power fantasies of a bronze-age gang of thugs, you're not going to cope well with the real issues of a modern pluralist society."
Posted by
8:48 AM
Pharyngula::A Brief History of the Minnesota Academic Standards
Pharyngula::A Brief History of the Minnesota Academic Standards
Florida Citizens for Science has an excellent History of the Minnesota Academic Standards in Science, written by Minnesota's own Melanie Reap and Jamie Crannell. It's short and clear and puts all the details in order. You'll see why we found Cheri Yecke infuriating; she was a sneak who worked to bias the standards at several steps along the way, like this:
The Commissioner of Education chose members from the larger committee to form the final writing committee. Of the twelve members selected, four were intelligent design proponents. The criteria for selection were never made public.
Be warned, Floridians. Yecke isn't going to be blatant and openly declare her fondness for medieval anti-science. She's going to be devious and pack her assistants and committees with creationists to do her dirty work for her, and I suspect that her experience here in Minnesota will have taught her to be even more snake-like.
Posted by
8:23 AM
Monday, September 26, 2005
New Analyses Bolster Central Tenets of Evolution Theory
New Analyses Bolster Central Tenets of Evolution Theory: "Richard E. Lenski, a biologist at Michigan State University, has been following 12 cultures of the bacterium Escherichia coli since 1988, comprising more than 25,000 generations. All 12 cultures were genetically identical at the start. For years he gave each the same daily stress: six hours of food (glucose) and 18 hours of starvation. All 12 strains adapted to this by becoming faster consumers of glucose and developing bigger cell size than their 1988 'parents.'"
Posted by
4:05 PM
New Analyses Bolster Central Tenets of Evolution Theory
New Analyses Bolster Central Tenets of Evolution Theory: "'Evolution is a way of understanding the world that continues to hold up day after day to scientific tests,' Lander said.
By contrast, said Alan Leshner, chief executive of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Intelligent Design offers nothing in the way of testable predictions."
Posted by
4:01 PM
New Analyses Bolster Central Tenets of Evolution Theory
New Analyses Bolster Central Tenets of Evolution Theory: "Their analysis was just the latest of many in such disparate fields as genetics, biochemistry, geology and paleontology that in recent years have added new credence to the central tenet of evolutionary theory: That a smidgeon of cells 3.5 billion years ago could -- through mechanisms no more extraordinary than random mutation and natural selection -- give rise to the astonishing tapestry of biological diversity that today thrives on Earth."
Posted by
3:55 PM
Pharyngula: "journalists do not cover science in the same way that they cover politis or government or business or sports. Science coverage is discontinuous, and as a result, misleading as often as it is informative. There are, I believe, three broad shortcomings in the way science is communicated to the lay public by the media."
Posted by
3:43 PM
Pharyngula: "I think the papers are convincing: there have been recent patterns of selection for brain associated alleles in the last 5 or 6 thousand years for ASPM, and within 30-40 thousand years for another gene, called microcephalin. This isn't surprising at all—we expect that there are ongoing changes in the gene pool of all species; it's not as if we're exempt."
Posted by
3:39 PM
University Of Chicago Researchers Find Human Brain Still Evolving
University Of Chicago Researchers Find Human Brain Still Evolving: "'Our studies indicate that the trend that is the defining characteristic of human evolution--the growth of brain size and complexity--is likely still going on,'"
Posted by
3:34 PM
'Smart concrete' stronger, monitored levee
'Smart concrete' stronger, monitored levee: "With smart concrete, short carbon fibers are added to the conventional concrete mixture. This modification gives the concrete the ability to detect stress and tiny deformations in the concrete."
Posted by
2:15 PM
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Researchers Predict Infinite Genomes
Researchers Predict Infinite Genomes: "But scientists at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) have come to a startling conclusion. Armed with the powerful tools of comparative genomics and mathematics, TIGR scientists have concluded that researchers might never fully describe some bacteria and viruses--because their genomes are infinite. Sequence one strain of the species, and scientists will find significant new genes. Sequence another strain, and they will find more. And so on, infinitely."
Posted by
12:40 PM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Court Case Threatens to 'Drag Science into the Supernatural'
Court Case Threatens to 'Drag Science into the Supernatural': "The lawsuit argues that intelligent design is an inherently religious argument and a violation of the First Amendment that forbids state-sponsored schools from funding religious activities.
'Although it may not require a literal reading of Genesis, [ID] is creationism because it requires that an intelligent designer started or created and intervened in a natural process,' Leshner said. 'ID is trying to drag science into the supernatural and redefine what science is and isn't.'
What the panelists are hoping for is not just decision in favor of the plaintiffs, but one that is so forceful that the Dover school board will not risk appealing the case to the Supreme Court and having a negative ruling with national ramifications.
Scott pointed to an earlier case, McLean v. Arkansas, in which the state tried to get creation science taught alongside evolution in public schools.
'What happened was the pounding that creation science got was so solid that the state didn't even appeal, they just threw in the towel and quit there,' Scott said."
Posted by
3:20 PM
Drug-resistant bacteria gaining genes for virulence | Science Blog
Drug-resistant bacteria gaining genes for virulence | Science Blog: "'What we saw in these patients is not in the textbooks,' said Robert Daum, M.D., professor of pediatrics at the University of Chicago and senior author of the study. 'This is the first time this unusual syndrome has been described in patients with a Staph infection.'
Such cases, although rare, highlight a disturbing convergence. In the last decade, drug-resistant strains of Staph. aureus have become quite common. At the same time, reports of virulent newer strains of Staph that can cause invasive disease, extensive tissue damage and death have increased."
Posted by
3:16 PM
Geriatric Microsoft scuppered by file formats
Geriatric Microsoft scuppered by file formats: "Microsoft is perfectly capable of supporting the format, it could do it in a few hours of coding time, and probably has already, but it will never get out. The reason is simple. If it does, it will mean the utter loss of control over almost all of computing, and it will never be able to twist arms again.
Microsoft is a bully, plain and simple. It has more programmers than anyone else, and always had the option of doing the right thing for the right reason, but for some unfathomable reason, never did. It preferred to hold your feet to the fire, and force you to do what it said."
Posted by
3:12 PM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
quantum-link.orgWork is being done to bring Quantum Link back to life.
Here's what you'll need to connect from a 64/128 over the internet.
Posted by
8:04 AM
New Scientist Breaking News - Crystal clumps preserve fossilised DNA
New Scientist Breaking News - Crystal clumps preserve fossilised DNA: "Clumps of mineral crystals in fossil bones preserve DNA better than other parts of the bones, a new study shows. The results promise new hope for research on both ancient humans and extinct animals.
Extraction of DNA from fossil bones promises to be a powerful tool for analysing relationships among vanished populations, tracing their migrations, and finding their closest living relatives. "
Posted by
8:00 AM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Lying By Ambiguity
"How often do we find Nelson Barbour's false predictions about 1874 described in WTS literature? We don't find them at all. Why not? Because Barbour's reason - and this almost certainly influenced Russell as well - for coming up with it was to explain away the utter failure of his prediction for Christ's return in 1873/1874. What has been described later WTS literature is this, quoting from an 1894 Zion's Watch Tower:"
Posted by
7:43 PM
Monday, September 12, 2005
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Everything Science - Everything Science
Everything Science - Everything Science: "Sept. 1, 2005--The San Antonio Botanical Garden will present Dinosaurus Tex: A Giant Adventure. Approximately 60 life-size dinosaurs including some great insect friends will reside peacefully amid prehistoric plants at the 33-acre garden. The exhibit, presented by the SBC Foundation, will run from September 3 through December 4, 2005."
Posted by
4:19 PM
Supernova 1987A Decoded
Supernova 1987A Decoded: "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.'
-- U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864"
Posted by
1:57 PM
The Daily Beacon
The Daily Beacon: "Supporters say that teaching I.D. is merely showing students the diverse opinions on existence and allowing students to choose which theory they believe is correct. Since their goal is so clearly idealistic and only aims to expand diversity, with no veiled attempts at implied religious indoctrination whatsoever, then I.D. supporters should have no problem endorsing Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, too.
The reason Flying Spaghetti Monsterism should be taught is because it has just as much, if not more, scientific legitimacy than ID. For example, a philosophy professor at The University of California and devout believer in The One True Pasta noted that in most creation myths, gods create humanity in their own image. He also pointed to the fact that human brains bear a stark resemblance to spaghetti noodles. Since the odds of our brains naturally resembling spaghetti are ridiculously minute, only one possible explanation remains: The Flying Spaghetti Monster created us all."
Posted by
1:41 PM
After Long Trek, Unsung Japanese Spacecraft Nears Asteroid Target
After Long Trek, Unsung Japanese Spacecraft Nears Asteroid Target: "If all goes well, Hayabusa will be the first spacecraft to bring home raw material from an asteroid, part of the primeval rubble left over from the making of the Solar System.
'It is an utterly remarkable project which has been given almost little coverage in the media,' Patrick Michel, a French astrophysicist who is involved in the mission, told AFP on Monday at a meeting of astronomers here."
Posted by
12:44 PM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Slashdot | CNN Interviews with Harlan Ellison, Bruce Sterling
Slashdot | CNN Interviews with Harlan Ellison, Bruce Sterling: "From what I recall, Ellison said something like, 'I attended a party in New York, along with some other writers, including L. Ron Hubbard, and Hubbard was saying something about 'Y'know what I should do? Invent a new religion. That's where all the real money is.' And, next thing you know, he came out with his next book, 'Dianetics'.'"
Posted by
8:13 PM
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Friday, September 02, 2005
PATRICIA SANTANGELO - Google Search: "Patricia Santangelo"
Posted by
11:52 AM
: "ELEKTRA ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, 3 INC., et al., 4 4 Plaintiff, 5 5 v. 05 Civ. 2414(CM) 6 6 PATRICIA SANTANGELO, 7 7 Defendant."
Posted by
11:51 AM
The Interdictor
The Interdictor: "This journal has become the Survival of New Orleans blog. In less perilous times it was simply a blog for me to talk smack and chat with friends. Now this journal exists to share firsthand experience of the disaster and its aftermath with anyone interested."
Posted by
11:27 AM
Florida Billboards Blame Bush for Hurricanes -- 10/26/2004
Florida Billboards Blame Bush for Hurricanes -- 10/26/2004: "Because President George W. Bush has 'ignored the threat of global warming,' Floridians can expect to be hit by increasingly destructive hurricanes, a new billboard campaign says.
The billboards, going up along Interstate 4 between Tampa and Orlando -- a week before the presidential election -- read, 'Global warming equals worse hurricanes. George Bush just doesn't get it.' The billboards show a photo of a hurricane swirling toward Florida.
The campaign is co-sponsored by Scientists and Engineers for Change and Environment2004. The NAACP National Voter Fund is also involved in the effort to blame Bush for ignoring global warming."
Posted by
12:11 AM
Bush announces new global warming plan: a Valentine's Day gift for energy corporations
Bush announces new global warming plan: a Valentine's Day gift for energy corporations: "US President George W. Bush unveiled on February 14 proposals that the administration claims are aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The plan is being promoted as an alternative to the Kyoto agreement on global warming, from which the US withdrew last spring. However, the administration’s new policy, particularly as it affects carbon dioxide, will be entirely voluntary. It is essentially an abandonment of any attempt to curb such emissions, which are viewed by most scientists as the primary cause of global warming."
(Note; as a greenhouse gas methane is many times more potent than CO2.)
Posted by
12:09 AM
Gore's Global Warming Speech Gets Icy Rebuke -- 01/15/2004
Gore's Global Warming Speech Gets Icy Rebuke -- 01/15/2004: "Former Vice President Al Gore's speech on global warming to Thursday is getting booed by a public policy research group, after the Democrat called the president a 'moral coward' who abandoned the public's environmental interests to placate his financial supporters.
Gore made his speech to a crowd at New York's Beacon Theater on the coldest day in the city in decades. He said at times it seems 'the Bush-Cheney administration is wholly owned by the coal, oil, utility and mining industries.'
'While President Bush likes to project an image of strength and courage, the real truth is that in the presence of his large financial contributors, he is a moral coward,' the former vice president said.
Gore also took the administration to task for its efforts to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. He accused the White House of gutting environmental laws and not doing anything to prevent global warming.
Posted by
12:04 AM
Bush Strips Protections from US Forests: Move Dubbed "Leave No Tree Behind"
Bush Strips Protections from US Forests: Move Dubbed "Leave No Tree Behind": "Political Move Dubbed 'Leave No Tree Behind'
Attention backpackers, hunters, campers, hikers and all who love trout fishing. Plan your trips to paradise now, because much of paradise will soon be spoiled.
The loggers, miners and gas-drillers are coming to America’s national forests, and they’re coming soon. With the stroke of a pen in May 2005, the President opened nearly 60 million acres of protected US National Forest land to development and road-building.
In what critics dub “No Tree Left Behind,” Bush opened forests in 39 states to development, 97% of them in 12 western states. Among them are areas in some of the most beloved, beautiful and oldest US wildernesses, including:
- The Grand Canyon
- Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Forests in California
- California’s Sierra Nevada backcountry
- Oregon’s Wild Rivers area
- Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Minnesota’s Superior National Forest
- Boise National Forest in Idaho
- Colorado’s Rocky Mountain backcountry
- Olympic National Forest in Washington
- White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire
- Tongass & Chugach National Forests in Alaska
- Appalachian National Scenic Trail
- Continental Divide Scenic Trail"
Posted by
12:03 AM
Thursday, September 01, 2005
A 'Do Not Call' List for Cell Phone Users? - Netlore Archive
A 'Do Not Call' List for Cell Phone Users? - Netlore Archive: "Comments: While it's true that the major wireless phone providers (except Verizon) have announced their intention to establish a 411 directory of customers' cell phone numbers beginning in 2006, it is not true that they plan to 'publish' said directory for any and all to read. Participating companies say the numbers will be made available only via telephone to users who dial directory assistance and pay a fee, and only with customer consent.
'No telemarketing,' insist wireless providers
The companies swear the numbers will never be accessible to telemarketers. In fact, per FCC regulations, telemarketers are already prohibited from calling cell phone numbers using automated dialers, which are standard in the industry."
Posted by
10:51 PM
My Way News
Newsview: Politicians Failed Storm Victims:
Sep 1, 6:06 PM (ET)
"WASHINGTON (AP) - At every turn, political leaders failed Katrina's victims. They didn't strengthen the levees. They ceded the streets to marauding looters. They left dead bodies to rot or bloat. Thousands suffered or died for lack of water, food and hope. Who's at fault?
There's plenty of blame to go around - the White House, Congress, federal agencies, local governments, police and even residents of the Gulf Coast who refused orders to evacuate. But all the finger-pointing misses the point: Politicians and the people they lead too often ignore danger signs until a crisis hits.
It wasn't a secret that levees built to keep New Orleans from flooding could not withstand a major hurricane, but government leaders never found the money to fully shore up the network of earthen, steel and concrete barriers.
Both the Bush and Clinton administrations proposed budgets that low-balled the needs. Local politicians grabbed whatever money they could and declared victory. And the public didn't exactly demand tax increases to pay for flood-control and hurricane-protection projects.
Just last year, the Army Corps of Engineers sought $105 million for hurricane and flood programs in New Orleans. The White House slashed the request to about $40 million. Congress finally approved $42.2 million, less than half of the agency's request.
Yet the lawmakers and Bush agreed to a $286.4 billion pork-laden highway bill that included more than 6,000 pet projects for lawmakers. Congress spent money on dust control for Arkansas roads, a warehouse on the Erie Canal and a $231 million bridge to a small, uninhabited Alaskan island.
How could Washington spend $231 million on a bridge to nowhere - and not find $42 million for hurricane and flood projects in New Orleans? It's a matter of power and politics.
Alaska is represented by Republican Rep. Don Young, chairman of the House Transportation Committee, and Republican Sen. Ted Stevens, a senior member of the all-important Senate Appropriations Committee. Louisiana's delegation holds far less sway.
Once the hurricane hit, relief trickled into the Gulf Coast. Even Federal Emergency Management Agency director Michael Brown, whose agency is in charge of disaster response, pronounced the initial results unacceptable.
The hurricane was the first major test of FEMA since it became part of the Homeland Security Department, a massive new bureaucracy that many feared would make the well-respected FEMA another sluggish federal agency.
Looting soon broke out as local police stood by. Some police didn't want to stop people from getting badly needed food and water. Others seemed to be overwhelmed. Thousands of National Guard troops were ordered to the Gulf Coast, but their ranks have been drastically thinned by the war in Iraq.
On top of all this, Katrina is one of the worst natural disasters ever to hit the United States. The best leaders running the most efficient agencies would have been sharply challenged.
'Look at all they've had to deal with,' former President Clinton told CNN shortly after joining former President Bush on a fundraising campaign for hurricane relief. 'I'm telling you, nobody every thought it would happen like this.'
That's not true. Experts had predicted for years that a major hurricane would eventually hit New Orleans, swamping the levees and filling the bowl-shaped city with polluted water. The politicians are doing what they do in time of crisis - shifting the blame.
'The truth will speak for itself,' Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., said of potential lapses by government. Later, her office blamed the White House for budget cuts.
If it's not the Republicans' fault, perhaps some in Washington would like to blame New Orleans itself. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., questioned whether a city that lies below sea level should be rebuilt. 'That doesn't make sense to me,' he said.
But for anybody living - or dying - in the devastated region, there are far too many villains to name.
'We're out here like pure animals. We don't have help,' the Rev. Issac Clark, 68, said outside the New Orleans Convention Center.
Robin Lovin, ethics professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, said it's too convenient to blame one branch of government when they are all, at some level, failing people. From Watergate to Clinton's impeachment, governmental institutions have disappointed the public.
'Bush, Congress, the mayor - each of them are symptoms of a bigger problem, that we don't have accountability for disasters or challenges of this scale,' Lovin said. 'That's all the public wants in trying times - accountability.'"
Posted by
6:35 PM
CHR/CRM - 2003 Aventis Pasteur Medal
CHR/CRM - 2003 Aventis Pasteur Medal: "Using liquid nitrogen, she froze one chamber of the hearts of MRL mice and ordinary mice. In ordinary mice, the damaged heart muscle did not recover. But in the MRL mice, it took just two months to recover normal working heart muscle. “In more than 15 years of investigations involving muscle tissue, I’d never seen anything like this,” said John Leferovich, a colleague at the Wistar Institute. “The observation was quite stunning.”
Posted by
12:01 PM
Science Blog -- Wistar Scientist Invited To Speak On Regeneration At National Meeting Of American Association For The Advancement Of Science
Science Blog -- Wistar Scientist Invited To Speak On Regeneration At National Meeting Of American Association For The Advancement Of Science: "Philadelphia -- Ellen Heber-Katz, Ph.D., a professor and immunologist at The Wistar Institute, has been invited to speak at the 165th national meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Her presentation on The Genetics of Tissue Repair and Regeneration in Mice will be one of only seven science topical lectures designed to highlight emerging and innovative research. Prior to her presentation, Dr. Heber-Katz will participate in a 50-minute news briefing with reporters."
Posted by
11:58 AM
The Australian: It's a miracle: mice regrow hearts [August 29, 2005]
The Australian: It's a miracle: mice regrow hearts [August 29, 2005]: "SCIENTISTS have created 'miracle mice' that can regenerate amputated limbs or damaged vital organs, making them able to recover from injuries that would kill or permanently disable normal animals.
The experimental animals are unique among mammals in their ability to regrow their heart, toes, joints and tail.
And when cells from the test mouse are injected into ordinary mice, they too acquire the ability to regenerate, the US-based researchers say."
Posted by
11:55 AM
Microsoft's Machiavellian manoeuvring - ZDNet UK Comment
Microsoft's Machiavellian manoeuvring - ZDNet UK Comment: "This sounds great, but it's a double-edged sword. The same system that prevents worms and viruses from running on your computer might also stop you from using any legitimate software that your hardware or operating system vendor simply doesn't like. The same system that protects spyware from accessing your data files might also stop you from copying audio and video files. The same system that ensures that all the patches you download are legitimate might also prevent you from, well, doing pretty much anything."
Posted by
10:47 AM
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