Monday, April 16, 2001

I just got a call from Michelle, had not heard from her for a couple of months. She has been doing database work for a about three years at a company who's name I now forget. She has an application in with another company, She told me the name but once again I've forgotten, man I going to need to learn to take notes. She discribes her current postion as being in middle management. Anyway she has used me as a referrance, and wanted to make sure I would give her rep a boost. And of course I will, won't even have to lie, Michelle is the hardest working person I have ever known, and she is flat out brillant. She, once again said we should do lunch sometime, I won't get my hopes up but it would be nice to see her again. It's been years, I do hear from her every once in awhile. Got her work and cell numbers, and I gave her my cell number. She works way south, she said she spends an hour going to and from work. Michelle actually wants a job doing database work, ugg. The company she applied at is currently using Excel to keep track of all their info. Man talk about too much work, they may not know it but they really need Michelle, she can get some good Access/SQL database/s setup and save them a ton of work. And they will still be able to use Excell as a front end. Hey just remembered something about the new company they make displays, the supply other major companies all over the world and are growing very fast. At least that's Michelle's take.

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