Wednesday, December 03, 2003


Chronology.Net: "As promised during the last few years, I am converting my site to an actual multi-editor database (the current site is static files). The main reason that I haven't gotten there yet after all this time is that I have been setting my standards higher and higher, so I never actually arrive at the end. I have released several major previews here so far, the newest one on 2002 June 9th. The current preview represents the 'final' version fairly well, structurally, but most of the content is missing. The new site will be moved to when it is ready, and not before. By 'ready', I mean that you can do everything with it that you can do with the current site, so we don't take steps backwards.

The database is an ongoing project with great and vast plans going for it. When this is complete I expect to have a fan-edited resource that lists fiction from a wide range of media, cross-referenced with information on creators of said works, character appearances, crossovers, timelines, publication dates, and so on. In addition, works created by fans of the above fictions will be indexed and cross-referenced where appropriate, including fan fictions, fan art, and fan websites. Initially the focus of this site will be on science fiction and it will be editable by approved site visitors using a web interface.

What you see on my site right now is a 3MB collection of source text data which I have the authors' permission to use in my database. It is meant to be a description of the Marvel x-titles and related books arranged in order of continuity, and be an index to said books at the same time with synopsis, creator credits, and characters."

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