Wednesday, September 08, 2004

KnowledgePlex: Article: Huge Transit-Oriented Development Planned for Austin, Texas

KnowledgePlex: Article: Huge Transit-Oriented Development Planned for Austin, Texas: "LEANDER -- How do you take 2,300 acres of empty Texas plain and grow a nearly $2 billion, pedestrian-friendly residential and commercial utopia?

City leaders say they've found the answer in transit-oriented development and are planning a mixed-use, high-density commercial and residential project around a railhead in northeastern Leander. If a planned Capital Metro commuter rail referendum passes in November, the railhead will become the start of a commuter rail line connecting Leander to downtown Austin.

The project, ultimately expected to have more than 8,000 homes and 30,000 people, will turn a fallow field into a bustling mini-metropolis. Considering that Leander has only about 12,000 residents now, the project will transform part of Williamson County and turn a poster child for sprawl into the northern rim of the New Urbanism trend settling over Central Texas."

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