Sunday, July 09, 2006

Historical Documents Regarding Evolution and Evolutionary Theory

Historical Documents Regarding Evolution and Evolutionary Theory

The Religion of Evolution
Minot Judson Savage (1841-1918)

Published in the year +1,876 Gregorian Calendar, this book was one of the first written by a Christian minister regarding evolution and evolutionary theory. As the writer stated in his book:

"One of the results of evolution cannot possibly contradict evolution itself. I am none the less a Christian, then, because I am an evolutionist. I will even say I am a Christian because I am an evolutionist. To justify this position, to trace the progress of religion until it culminates in Christianity, and to show the relation it sustains to those religions that have preceded it, - this is my present purpose."
Savage's wrote that since evolution is an observed fact that cannot be refuted, and since evolutionary theory sucessfully and brilliantly defines and describes the fact of evolution, it is both absurd and injurous to the Body of Christ to not acknowledge the factuality of evolution and the correctness of evolutionary theory. Ther author acknowledged the fact that Christianity itself has evolved from earlier religions, as have ethics and morals and laws.

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