Wednesday, January 16, 2002

Lost Books - The Disappearance by Philip Wylie The Disappearance
by Philip Wylie — Copyright 1951
Review by D. D. Shade — December 22, 1998

What really defines gender? Are we the products of genetics and evolution (nature) or the way we are socialized by family and local culture (nurture)? What accounts for masculine and feminine traits? Is aggression a 'male only' behavior? Is it women only who can be compassionate? Are women the weaker sex or does strength mean something other than muscle bulk. Is a man weak if he cries in "The Horse Whisperer" or tough because he drives a Humvee. These are some of the manifests of age-old questions that are still being debated in the most Ivy League of towers today. I myself am forced to painfully discuss this issue each year when I teach human development (fortunately college freshmen are well taught in high school on how to appear interested). To answer the question, Wylie would have us think neither. Wylie's belief is that we created the segregation of the sexes ourselves and we started it at the dawn of time. He further believes it didn't have to be this way.

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