Thursday, March 21, 2002

JC's Home Page Check out this account of market shares of vendors as reported by VARs (Value Added Resellers). There's some patently amazing stuff here. For one thing, it would appear that the "white box" market (this means "any vendor who isn't HPaQ, Dell, IBM, or Toshiba") is really going good. February of '01, they accounted for 37% of servers, 30% of desktops, and a pithy 3% of notebooks. This February, however, they've shot up, with these guys accounting for 41% of servers a massive 55% of desktops, and 14% of notebooks.
So, who's feeling the burn? HP is getting butchered everywhere but notebooks, and Dell is showing rather shocking forty percent year on year drops in desktops and notebooks. Heck, IBM is getting pasted, too, but they always get pasted, so it's easy to miss that. One surprise is that Compaq, assumed to be a dead company by some (I mean, they *are* getting disassembled by other companies, aren't they?), showed strong increases in the notebook and server areas.
Mind you, this only applies to changes in sales reported by VARs, so it's likely not very representative of the market as a whole.

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