Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Misna Main

Misna Main The first pilot initiative of the ‘Hunger zero’ programme, wanted by the new Brazilian administration, officially took off in the small very poor location of Guaribas (State of Piauí). The plan was inaugurated in the presence of the special minister for food security, José Graziano, present in the location together with the heads of the cabinets of national integration Ciro Gomes, social promotion and assistance Benedita da Silva and of the city Olivio Dutra. Graziano reminded that the 4,800 inhabitants of Guaribas – third city with the worst social development rate of the nation, based on a US study – barely survive on the cultivation of ‘feijao’, a small black bean, maize and manioc and 40% of the minors below the age of 5 suffer from malnutrition. An immediate necessity is the construction of an aqueduct due to the lack of potable water. The functionaries distributed booklets to 500 families with coupons in the amount of 50 reais (around $14) per month, to acquire provisions. The coupons will however only be valid starting February 27. The ‘Hunger zero’ programme in Guaribas also includes an alphabetisation initiative for 300 youths and adults financed by the UNESCO. The programme, already defined by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as a ‘battle to save lives’, will count on an initial funding of 1.800-million reais (around $514-million).[BO]

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