Monday, August 04, 2003

From studies of a rare human mutation to new approaches to herbicides or antibiotics From studies of a rare human mutation to new approaches to herbicides or antibiotics
Fox Chase Cancer Center's Jaffe reveals unexpected connections for PBGS enzyme
PHILADELPHIA (July 30, 2003)--The promise of the genomics revolution--the ability to compare important genes and proteins from many different organisms--is that such detailed knowledge will produce new scientific insights that will improve human quality of life. In work on a key human enzyme, PBGS (porphobilinogen synthase), the laboratory of Fox Chase Cancer Center scientist Eileen K. Jaffe, Ph.D., has characterized a rare mutation that results in an unprecedented rearrangement of the enzyme's structure. The discovery provides a key into how tiny genetic changes can have a giant evolutionary impact and may even lead to the development of novel herbicides and antibacterial agents.

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