Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Code Name : Copper Green

Code Name : Copper Green

QandO: Copper Green

QandO: Copper Green:

"I'm not sure what to make of the Seymour Hersh article that appeared on the New Yorker web site yesterday. Hersh alleges that the prison abuse at Abu Ghraib is the direct result of a secret Pentagon program, called by various names, including Copper Green. According to Hersh, a prime characteristic of this program was to use psychological pressure on prisoners in order to obtain information from them. As a result, this program's excessive vulnerability to abuse led directly to the prison abuse scandals."

Emerald green - history

Emerald green - history


White House counsel Alberto Gonzales' memo Newsweek - published a memo written by White House counsel Alberto Gonzales urging the Bushies to formally discard the Geneva Convention because it "substantially reduces the threat of domestic criminal prosecution under the War Crimes Act."

Rumsfeld's Secret Army- by Justin Raimondo

Rumsfeld's Secret Army- by Justin Raimondo

Good Reputation Sleeping: Copper Green

Good Reputation Sleeping: Copper Green: "Details, according to Sy Hersh, of the 'government approved' program of torture and humiliation of Iraqi prisoners."

Joi Ito

The Washington Post, The New York Times, National Public Radio (NPR).

the chutry experiment: Fahrenheit 9/11 House Parties

Fahrenheit 9/11 House Parties is organizing house parties on Monday night to mark the release of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11. It's similar to their house party screenings of Robert Greenwald's Uncovered, although Moore's film won't be screened at the party itself. I'll be attending one of the "house parties" (actually in a coffeehouse) here in Decatur.

The "Fahrenheit" house parties will feature an online, interactive chat with Michael Moore, and MoveOn is encoraging groups to discuss plans to defeat George Bush in the 2004 election. I'm still intrigued by the way in which these house parties can frame an interpretation of a film, in both cases by translating viewing and discussing the film into a certain type of action (voter registration drives, campaigning for Kerry, both things I like), but I'm a little suspicious about how these house parties might actually inhibit a critical engagement with Moore's film.

the chutry experiment: Fahrenheit 9/11

Review of Fahrenheit 9/11:

"First, the theater where I saw the film was sold out for every screening tonight (and also incredibly hot--couldn't they have cranked the A/C?), with most people arriving at least half an hour early to line up for seats. I saw at least two news trucks (did anyone happen to watch Atlanta's Channel 2 news tonight?). Lots of cheering and enthusiasm throughout the film (and, yes, a long ovation at the film's end). And while F9/11 had far fewer 'gotcha' moments than most Michael Moore films, I'm not sure I'd call the film 'restrained' as some critics have. It might be better described as far more somber than anything Moore has done.

The film employs a relatively straight chronological approach, starting with election night coverage (with Ben Affleck and Bobby D, of all people, standing behind Gore celebrating) and moves quickly through many of the election controversies, including an upsetting montage sequence in which several members of the Congressional Black Caucus (including Cynthia McKinney) try to contest the results (there's also one Asian woman), but because no Senator signed the petition, Gore (who was still President of the Senate) was forced to uphoild parliamentary procedure and decline their petition. We see the massive protests of Bush's inauguration (which I'd forgotten)."

the chutry experiment

the chutry experiment:

"Last summer, I wrote several blog entries about how Atlanta's past may be both remembered and forgotten in the rush of development and re-gentrification. I'm fascinated by the traces of Atlanta's (or any city's) past when I can find them, and the Atlanta Time Machine provides a wealth of access to these images. The site collects vintage photographs of Atlanta and compares them with contemporary photos taken from nearly the same location. Greg, the author of the site, has devoted a tremendous amount of energy to this project, and it works very well, the comparisons of past and present beautifully presented."

The New Yorker

Copper Green

According to interviews with several past and present American intelligence officials, the Pentagon’s operation, known inside the intelligence community by several code words, including Copper Green, encouraged physical coercion and sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners in an effort to generate more intelligence about the growing insurgency in Iraq. A senior C.I.A. official, in confirming the details of this account last week, said that the operation stemmed from Rumsfeld’s long-standing desire to wrest control of America’s clandestine and paramilitary operations from the C.I.A.

SciScoop || Uncovering The Secret World Of Copper Green

SciScoop || Uncovering The Secret World Of Copper Green: "'Because we acted, torture rooms are closed, rape rooms no longer exist, mass graves are no longer a possibility in Iraq,' said President George W. Bush at an event in Michigan on May 3. This was only the latest in a months-long continuing stream of specific pronouncements to the American people about 'no torture or rape rooms in Iraq,' made not only by Bush but others in his Administration such as Condi Rice and Donald Rumsfeld.

The only problem is, they all knew they were telling the American people a lie, repeatedly and for months on end.

The abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq were exposed on January 13th when Joseph Darby, a independent, no-nonsense military policeman assigned to Abu Ghraib, reported the wrongdoing to the Army's Criminal Investigations Division (CID). He also turned over a CD full of photographs. Within three days, a report made its way to Donald Rumsfeld, who then informed President Bush.

The Big Guy Knew. Not only that, he didn't tell us the truth. Instead, for months he and his minions spun a lie to protect a dark, out-of-control secret..."

Cassini-Huygens-Operations-Saturn Arrival

Cassini-Huygens-Operations-Saturn Arrival | Blog | Blog

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Friday, June 11, 2004

7tools Partition Manager 2004 - Reviews and free downloads at

7tools Partition Manager 2004 - Reviews and free downloads at "7tools Partition Manager 2004 affords everything you may need for managing partitions; it is suitable for both everyday and rare needs, for either inexperienced user or advance"

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Skeptics Society--eSkeptic

Skeptics Society--eSkeptic: "I have served as a reviewer of manuscripts submitted to biological journals for over 30 years...and in all of that time I have never encountered a manuscript with so many errors.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Japanese adult magazines: Urecco, Bejean, more

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Tuesday, June 08, 2004

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