Wednesday, June 30, 2004

SciScoop || Uncovering The Secret World Of Copper Green

SciScoop || Uncovering The Secret World Of Copper Green: "'Because we acted, torture rooms are closed, rape rooms no longer exist, mass graves are no longer a possibility in Iraq,' said President George W. Bush at an event in Michigan on May 3. This was only the latest in a months-long continuing stream of specific pronouncements to the American people about 'no torture or rape rooms in Iraq,' made not only by Bush but others in his Administration such as Condi Rice and Donald Rumsfeld.

The only problem is, they all knew they were telling the American people a lie, repeatedly and for months on end.

The abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq were exposed on January 13th when Joseph Darby, a independent, no-nonsense military policeman assigned to Abu Ghraib, reported the wrongdoing to the Army's Criminal Investigations Division (CID). He also turned over a CD full of photographs. Within three days, a report made its way to Donald Rumsfeld, who then informed President Bush.

The Big Guy Knew. Not only that, he didn't tell us the truth. Instead, for months he and his minions spun a lie to protect a dark, out-of-control secret..."

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