Saturday, August 21, 2004

InformationWeek > Database Mixup > Terror List Ties Up Sen. Kennedy > August 20, 2004

InformationWeek > Database Mixup > Terror List Ties Up Sen. Kennedy > August 20, 2004: "WASHINGTON (AP) -- A top Homeland Security official has apologized to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, who was stopped at airports because a name similar to his appeared on the government's no-fly list of terror suspects.

'If they have that kind of difficulty with a member of Congress, how in the world are average Americans, who are getting caught up in this thing, how are they going to be treated fairly and not have their rights abused?' Kennedy asked Homeland Security undersecretary Asa Hutchinson.

The Massachusetts Democrat said he'd been misidentified on the watch list when he tried to board airliners between Washington and Boston. Kennedy said he was stopped five times as he tried to board US Airways shuttles because a name similar to his appeared on a list or his name popped up for additional screening."

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