Monday, September 13, 2004

Retro Poll: June 19, 2004 health care for all flier

Retro Poll: June 19, 2004 health care for all flier: "It's not news that many polls show a large majority of Americans want a national health insurance program that covers everyone. But have you heard that thirty nine percent of Americans believe there are grounds to impeach George W. Bush? That's something the 'free press' in the U.S.A. won't let you hear, see, or know. Results of Retro Poll's November, 2003 national poll suggested that 40% of Americans find President Bush's deceit about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq grounds for his impeachment. A follow up poll in April/May, 2004 again showed that 39% of people polled (a random sample of 513 from all over the U.S.) find this deception grounds for impeachment. Among many startling findings in our poll this was the most dramatic. But the corporate media ignored these findings. That's partly because our polls aren't just about George Bush. Retro Poll exposes both the extent to which the media colludes with the agenda of those in power and how the media uses polls to make us believe that we think what they want us to think."

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