Wednesday, January 19, 2005

CVD Single-Crystal, Gem Diamonds Produced at Carnegie - Carnegie/DOE Alliance Center - CDAC

CVD Single-Crystal, Gem Diamonds Produced at Carnegie - Carnegie/DOE Alliance Center - CDAC: "The Carnegie group has mounted a major initiative to create the next generation high-pressure devices based on large single-crystal diamond anvils grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The above photograph shows a synthetic brilliant cut single-crystal diamond grown by CVD. About 2.5 mm high, this crystal was grown in about 1 day at Carnegie. The very bottom (table) of the crystal is a type 1b seed; hence the yellow tint which is due to internal reflection (the CVD diamond is transparent). These CVD diamonds are capable of easily generating ultrahigh pressures up to 200 GPa [W. Mao, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 5190 (2003)].Our CVD technique has now been combined with a high-pressure/high temperature annealing process to produce material that is significantly harder than any other diamond-based material. "

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