Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Gallery - Min-A-Max and other Space Frames

Gallery - Min-A-Max and other Space Frames: "After some lengthy detective work -the task complicated by the fact that the controversy resulting from the initial Biosphere experiments had tended to drive many of those involved underground- I learned that the structure had been built using a modular space frame system called Min-A-Max invented by architect Peter Pierce who at the time had owned and operated a company called Pierce Structures dedicated to the manufacture of Min-A-Max parts. A brilliant inventor and designer, Pierce's body of work had very little exposure and -like its chief architect and many others involved in the project- he took very little pride in his participation in the Biopshere II. But I eventually tracked down a copy of his one greatest published work; the book 'Structure in Nature as a Strategy for Design' by MIT Press. This book was a revelation and I quickly became an advocate for the Min-A-Max construction system and its companion Universal Node System."

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