Sunday, November 20, 2005

? Top national advocate for the disabled sets terms for endorsement of OpenDocument Format | Between the Lines |

? Top national advocate for the disabled sets terms for endorsement of OpenDocument Format | Between the Lines | "Microsoft Office is currently the productivity suite of choice for most of the state's employees. But Microsoft's choice not to support ODF means that both it and its proprietary file formats will be off limits once the state's ODF policy goes into effect. MA ITD's plan calls for implementation of the ODF standard to start on January 1, 2007. But, ODF as a file format is barely six months old. Even worse, of the applications that support it — of which there are hardly any — none are in the same league as Microsoft Office-based solutions when it comes to accessibility for PWDs (thanks in large part to expensive third party accessibility add-ons like JAWS that are designed specifically to work with Office)."

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