Friday, December 02, 2005

The Panda's Thumb: Apparent End of Dover School Board Reign of Error

The Panda's Thumb: Apparent End of Dover School Board Reign of Error:

"1. Do you know who the current school board members are in YOUR school district, or at least where the board stands on science vs pseudo-science?

2. Do you know who was elected yesterday to your local school board, and where they stand?

3. Are you reasonably confident that a stealth Creationist campaign did not take over your school board yesterday, while you were looking the other way?

If you read PT because you care about science education, you must be able to answer YES to these questions. The lesson from Dover is: PAY ATTENTION. Because when people pay attention, they choose science.

Think about it: you may have woken up in Kansas this morning, without even knowing it."

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