Wednesday, October 03, 2001

betta in a vase

bettas in a vase? don't buy them!!!!!!!!

the latest fad: a betta in a vase with a plant and instructions to not feed the betta nor change the water EVER.
I want to know one thing: Who came up with that one????

A)- bettas are carnivorous and although out of despair they might eat roots (hey, you would eat a cockroach if got hungry enough!), they cannot survive long that way.

B)- ecosystems only work when they are large enough to allow a safety margin for fluctuations. Meaning that if one of the components of the ecosystem fluctuates, the whole system will not come crashing down. In such a small amount of water (hey, we are talking about a BOWL people!), how does one plan on preserving the ever fragile balance between: fish eating, fish pooping, plant eating fish poop and plant then cleaning water, plant being healthy enough to grow roots just enough to feed betta the perfect amount of food daily, etc... Assuming bettas would survive in such a vegetarian diet, you can see how one small change could radically affect the system and invariably cause the betta's death. I am against such set-ups. Every time I have seen one for sale on a store shelf, the betta was sick and dying, and it broke my heart. Boycott!!! Boycott!! Oh and did I mention: BOYCOTT ??

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