Wednesday, March 06, 2002

English PhD Thesis Abstract of Robert Anczkiewicz The NW Himalayan collisional system comprises three distinct crustal domains. From south to north they are: the Indian plate, the Indus Suture Zone (Main Mantle Thrust) and the Kohistan paleo-island arc (KIA). The studied area is located in the Mingora-Alpurai region, Lower Swat district of Pakistan, where the Indus Suture Zone (ISZ) forms one of the largest exposures. Structural mapping of the Indus Suture Zone lithologies and neighbouring parts of the northern Indian margin and of the basal part of the Kohistan arc were carried out. Geochronological studies were conducted in order to provide time constraints on pre- syn- and post-collisional magmatic, metamorphic and deformational evolution in the three domains. In addition, geochronological studies were carried out on the garnet granulites of the KIA in the Jijal-Patan area were conducted.

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