Friday, April 19, 2002

GRAIN CROPS Grain crops produce an edible dry seed which can be stored for long periods of time. (Legumes used for their edible dry seed are included in the section on pulses.) True cereal grains are members of the grass family; other crops used as grains are called pseudo-cereals. Grains are used chiefly in the production of breads. The seed of grain crops are normally milled to produce flour, but sometimes are softened by cooking and/or chemical treatment. Most have a high protein content accompanied by a good content of B vitamins. Some have a fair to high oil content and/or vitamin E. In addition, most have good quantities of carbohydrates, usually as starch. Varietal differences are important in grains because individual cultivars have particular seasonal and climatic adaptations. Crops are usually planted during the wet season and mature during dry weather

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