Monday, May 06, 2002

Google Search: This is a Windows VBScript I created to remove the click-through
End-User License Agreements from retail software I install. EULAs are
getting unacceptably intrusive and restrictive, and I for one have had
enough. In my opinion, manufacturers have no business putting extra
restrictions on how I use something after I have already paid for it.
While this script is no great programming achievement, its purpose is
twofold: (1) to make a point about the absurdity of hidden "agreements"
that buyers cannot know about until after sale, and (2) to be able to
honestly say that I never accepted any EULA, and thus my use of the
software is limited only by copyright law, just like a book or a CD.

Copy the following into a file called NoMoreEULA.vbs, further
instructions are in the comments at the top:

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