Thursday, July 11, 2002

The Register Congress' most enlightened public representative Rick Boucher has vowed to introduce a bill that outlaws share-denial jinxed audio CDs, and as a bonus, has promised to re-examine the webcasting copyright racket that forced so many small-time webcasters to quite the airwaves recently.

We don’t know what holy light guides Rep. Boucher, but it's a holy light indeed: he's singular amongst public representatives in daring to reclaim the works of popular culture as something that belong to The Commons (that's us) … rather than something that belongs in perpetuity to an industry that depends on its legitimacy on an antiquated distribution system.

Boucher has vowed to redress the draconian effects of the DMCA with new legislation before, and this week he delivered on his promise: explaining legislation that preserves the right of 'fair use'.

Boucher called for the Library of Congress royalty system to be scrapped:-

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