Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Microsoft new rule prohibits benchmarketing MOST OF US just click on those pesky Microsoft licence agreements just to get on with installing them as fast as we can.
But others, probably far more wise, decide to read through the content and ponder its import.
One such person who has done precisely this said there's a new little clause added to all Windows updates which he personally finds hard to stomach.
"* You may not disclose the results of any benchmark test of the .NET Framework component of the OS Components to any third party without Microsoft's prior written approval."
He points out that this significantly affects his ability to trade, as he's a software consultant.
He's often contracted to perform benchmarks on OSes for his clients. This new clause means, he says, that he's got to apply to the Grand Mufti of Licensing and Vole Central just to get permission to do his job.
This, he adds, is not only a significant imposition on him personally, but also threatens to damage his business.

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