Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Religions, Cults, Sects, Denominations - Religions Overview There has been a recent explosion of cult activity; an estimated 1,500 to 3,000 cult groups flourish in North America, with 10,000 astrologers and 40 million of americans trusting the Zodiac, as recorded by the McCall magazine, with 20,000 santeria priests, "babalaos", only in Miami and New York. In San Francisco, the Satanic Church has 10,000 members. In England there are 500 cults, in France 60,000 witches. The Rosacrucians spend $250,000 per year only on postal stamps...
- To be on "error" in religion, is worse that to have a "cancer" in the lungs... If we love someone, and believe that he or she is in "error", the best we can do to show our love for him or her is like the Doctor, to try to extirpate that "error", that "cancer", even if it hurts... we have to love the "person", but hate his or her "cancer".

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