Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Secure DNS service forgets to renew own domain name

Secure DNS service forgets to renew own domain name Secure DNS service forgets to renew own domain name

Oops... these things happen, we shouldn't smirk

By Adamson Rust: Tuesday 26 November 2002, 18:47

THE TZOLKIN Corporation – which claims the accolade of being the most reliable dynamic DNS service out there, suffered a SNAFU earlier today.

It apparently forgot to renew its domain name. That caused a huge shuffling about because users noticed that their client software wasn't connecting too well first thing this morning, across the second biggest pond on the planet.

But Tzolkin reacted swiftly and told thousands of users that service would be restored by 16:00 Eastern Standard Time.

In the meantime, users were advised to smurf across to, while the propagation has err... propagated and in some regions of the globe, normal service is resumed at http://www.tzo.com.

It can happen to all of us, if we forget to renew chipzilla.com, beerandspirits.com, or whatever, we guess... µ

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