Friday, January 30, 2004 : Commentary: Is IBM Missing the Linux Boat? : Commentary: Is IBM Missing the Linux Boat?: "Windows XP should sell for $29 not $299. This is why Linux has to be put on the fast track. Users cannot pay never-ending forced tributes to Microsoft as if it were the Roman Empire and we its slaves. Right now, the Linux alternative needs some consolidation. To continue my History Channel analogy, there needs to be a Genghis Khan of Linux uniting the warring tribes into one unstoppable force. IBM has the potential to do this.

IBM has tried everything to get Microsoft off the desktop. It tried OS/2, and was outflanked by Microsoft. It attempted to create a new platform based on a non-Intel chip. That went nowhere. It tried going heavily into Java, which had zero effect on Microsoft. Now it's going with Linux. If IBM were to roll out Blue Linux, numerous good things would happen for Linux."

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