Friday, January 02, 2004

Firm releases MPEG-4 digital recording software

Firm releases MPEG-4 digital recording software: "A US FIRM, PC DTV Technologies, has claimed a first by releasing HDTV MPEG-4 digital recording software for Windows multimedia PCs.

It said that it is shipping a beta public version of its Countdown HD software today.

The software, it claims, will give users of hardware decoded HDTV tuner boards to record two hours of HDTV to one 4.7GB DVD disk using the MPEG-4 compression format.

The software includes a digital video transcoder that will convert between MPEG-2 and MPEG4, direct transcoding burning to DVD-R/W, DVD R/W, DVD RAM or CD-R/W drives, and direct transcoding to PC hard drives.

The software includes a DiVX Pro 5.1.1 Codec, support for Windows Media 9, Xvid/Koepis COdec support, background trancoding, and crpping and resizing of videos.

The firm doesn't say when the full version is available, but is charging $150 for the public beta, which it said will be available today. µ"

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