Thursday, April 14, 2005

Partnership for a Drug-Free America and Corporate Drug Wars.

Partnership for a Drug-Free America and Corporate Drug Wars.: "The movie cites the example of American-based Bechtel Corporation, which attempted to take over the public water system in Cocachamba, Bolivia in 1999, after the World Bank pressured the country to privatize the system. In cahoots with corrupt, fascistic Bolivian officials and the military, the engineering company locked down the water supply - even making it a criminal offense to gather rainwater!

When thousands of thirsty Bolivians staged massive protests against Bechtel, soldiers and police brutalized and killed protesters, including children. The US company eventually shut down its Cocachamba operations, but later sued the people of Bolivia for $25 million; the lawsuit is being heard in a secretive, pro-corporate World Bank court."

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