Wednesday, November 02, 2005 Intransigence of fundamentalists of all stripes is putting our world at greater and greater risk Intransigence of fundamentalists of all stripes is putting our world at greater and greater risk:

"Today the world watches as fundamentalist Christians in the United States, opposing modernist thinking, science, and rapid cultural change, try to fashion a theocracy of sorts. They support required Christian prayer in schools and other public arenas, government intervention in people’s private lives, even telling us whom to marry, and appointment of judges whose views of social issues match theirs. The most extreme, Christian Zionists, subscribe to an apocalyptic view of history, whereby supporting Israel’s occupation of all Palestine is seen as fulfillment of biblical prophecy, which will help Jesus to come again.

Fundamentalists stress the literal interpretation of Scripture. One Orthodox Jewish man commented, “The only world God cares about is the world of Torah study. ... The outside world doesn’t have a place in the way we raise our kids.” His Muslim and Christian counterparts might share these sentiments concerning their own holy writings and their kids.

In the class, Dr. Steve Wilkerson, scholar of mythology and comparative religion, said that fear of change is at the core of fundamentalism, which attempts “to return to a world view that has vanished forever, if it ever existed.”"

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