Saturday, November 05, 2005

Hieraki - Trac

Hieraki - Trac: "Hieraki 1.1 - Developer Beta (0.0.9)

New Upcoming Release (Hieraki 1.1) - Beta is out for developers (/trunk). Please note that no migration is provided at this stage of development. Do NOT use this release unless you are a developer.

Two new big features:

* Everthing-is-a-page (TM) ...even attachments or internal links are pages ... The net effect is that everything is under version control (e.g. folders as well)
* Hieraki 1.1 uses B-Prime Trees. Check out the ActiveRecord::Acts::BPrimeTree module that I wrote. It allows moving entire branches as well (which is for example missing in ActiveRecord?::Acts::NestedSet?).

The 1.1 release is going to be shipped with Rails 1.0. An upgrade script from 1.0.2 to 1.1 will be provided."

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Edward A. Villarreal. Powered by Blogger.


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