Wednesday, November 02, 2005

NASA - NASA Satellite Detects Massive Star Partner

NASA - NASA Satellite Detects Massive Star Partner: "Eta Carinae is an unstable star thought to be rapidly approaching the final stage of its life. It is clearly visible from the southern hemisphere and has been the subject of intense studies for decades. This mysterious star is located about 7,500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Carina. Scientists thought a companion star in orbit around Eta Carinae might explain some of its strange properties, but researchers lacked direct evidence a companion star existed.

'Until now, Eta Carinae's partner has evaded direct detection,' said Dr. Rosina Iping, a research scientist at Catholic University of America in Washington. 'This discovery significantly advances our understanding of the enigmatic star.'

Evidence that Eta Carinae might be a double star system was inferred from a repeating pattern of changes in visual, X-ray, radio and infrared light over approximately 5.5 years. Astronomers thought a second star in a 5.5 year orbit around Eta Carinae might cause the repeated changes in its light. The strongest indirect evidence supporting the double star theory is that once every 5.5 years, the X-rays coming from the system disappear for about three months. Eta Carinae is too cool to generate X-rays, but it continuously blasts a flow of gas into space as a stellar wind at about 300 miles per second. "

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