Tuesday, November 01, 2005

SCO describes alleged IBM Unix misuse to court | News.blog | CNET News.com

SCO describes alleged IBM Unix misuse to court | News.blog | CNET News.com: "October 31, 2005 6:18 PM PST

It took more than two and a half years, but the SCO Group finally has disclosed a list of areas in which it believes IBM violated its Unix contract, allegedly by moving proprietary Unix technology into open-source Linux.

In a five-page document filed Friday, SCO attorneys say they have identified 217 areas in which the company believes IBM or Sequent, a Unix server company IBM acquired, violated contracts under which SCO and its predecessors licensed the Unix operating system. However, the curious won't be able to see for themselves the details of SCO's claims: The full list of alleged abuses were filed in a separate document under court seal."

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