Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Slashdot | Sony Rootkit Allegedly Contains LGPL Software

Slashdot | Sony Rootkit Allegedly Contains LGPL Software: "Posted by CmdrTaco on Tuesday November 15, @08:19AM
from the this-keeps-getting-funnier dept.
GNU is Not Unix Media
Deaths Hand writes 'According to this Dutch article the Sony DRM software (or rootkit, if you may prefer) contains code from the LAME MP3 encoder project, which is licensed under the LGPL. However, the source code has not also been distrbuted, hence breaching the license. Here is an english translation of the page.' So apparently Sony violates your privacy to create a backdoor onto your machine using code that violates an Open Source license. This story just keeps getting stranger.

Sony Rootkit Al"

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