Monday, January 09, 2006

Lawrence Lessig

Lawrence Lessig

This clip gives you a sense of the issues we faced. And so you'll see how relieved I was to read Dianna Brandi's (VP for legal affairs at FOX) comment in the Washington Post: "People steal our footage all the time.... We generally sort of look the other way."

I take it she's referring to the fair use by others of FOX's footage, and if so, then bravo FOX. Fair use, of course, is not stealing, even though lawyers who know better like to use that false description as often as they can. (But if she really means FOX footage is being stolen, then that's awful. Get better locks, Fox.)

I actually knew nothing about FOX News before working on this film - not much time for network news, and I had only ever heard Bill O'Reilly once, on Fresh Air. And while I came to the project with low expectations about any news network, I was still astonished. As you'll see when you buy the DVD or host a house party, there's a lot to be amazed at. The most powerful is an amazingly unFAIR and unBALANCED clip with Jeremy Glick and Bill O'Reilly. Not unlike (but much worse than) the exchange Georgetown Professor David Cole described. (Washington Post).

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