Thursday, March 30, 2006

Pharyngula: God hates squid

Pharyngula: God hates squid's something bizarre: creationists (at least the ones at Answers in Genesis) have defined life…and it excludes squid!

So, animals that contain hemoglobin (vertebrates) and therefore have red blood can be considered "living" and animals that contain hemocyanin, or other proteins (invertebrates) and therefore have blue (pink/violet or brown) blood can be considered "nonliving". This is further supported by Scripture ...

What I'd really love to see now, though, is the rhetorical squirming they'd go through when it's pointed out that human embryos do not develop red blood cells until about the 5th week of development, and therefore the early embryo, by their own definition, is not living. Heh.

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