Saturday, July 23, 2005

Born To Explore! The Other Side of ADD

Born To Explore! The Other Side of ADD: "After going through a quick read of Unequal Protection, I still believe that Thom Hartman is not going far enough with his direction of where the real problem lies. The only reason that corporations have got away with this is because our goverment/s have alowed it. Why? The usual, greed for money, greed for power, greed for notoriety. Kickbacks from large companies is too large an incentive, for some politicians to ignore. The same as the owner of a large corporation seeing the easy profits to be made, misleading the masses.

But the same core problem that is causing all of our grief/s, is the same. People who have no ethics, no morality, no real caring for the rest of mankind. They are selfish, and only interested in enhancement for themselves, not realizing that they are hurting themselves in the long run, as well as everybody else."

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