Thursday, September 01, 2005

A 'Do Not Call' List for Cell Phone Users? - Netlore Archive

A 'Do Not Call' List for Cell Phone Users? - Netlore Archive: "Comments: While it's true that the major wireless phone providers (except Verizon) have announced their intention to establish a 411 directory of customers' cell phone numbers beginning in 2006, it is not true that they plan to 'publish' said directory for any and all to read. Participating companies say the numbers will be made available only via telephone to users who dial directory assistance and pay a fee, and only with customer consent.

'No telemarketing,' insist wireless providers

The companies swear the numbers will never be accessible to telemarketers. In fact, per FCC regulations, telemarketers are already prohibited from calling cell phone numbers using automated dialers, which are standard in the industry."

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