Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Pharyngula::A Brief History of the Minnesota Academic Standards

Pharyngula::A Brief History of the Minnesota Academic Standards

Florida Citizens for Science has an excellent History of the Minnesota Academic Standards in Science, written by Minnesota's own Melanie Reap and Jamie Crannell. It's short and clear and puts all the details in order. You'll see why we found Cheri Yecke infuriating; she was a sneak who worked to bias the standards at several steps along the way, like this:

The Commissioner of Education chose members from the larger committee to form the final writing committee. Of the twelve members selected, four were intelligent design proponents. The criteria for selection were never made public.

Be warned, Floridians. Yecke isn't going to be blatant and openly declare her fondness for medieval anti-science. She's going to be devious and pack her assistants and committees with creationists to do her dirty work for her, and I suspect that her experience here in Minnesota will have taught her to be even more snake-like.

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