Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Pharyngula: Church of the Butt Propeller, ouch.

"Here's what really drives me crazy about these people: the fixation with parts of life that resemble mechanisms so simple that even we humans in our limited history have managed to duplicate. What is most impressive about living systems is how far they go beyond human technology. All evidence shows that evolution over long enough time spans has far more creative power than the human mind over the span of a human lifetime. But these IDers seem blind to anything that doesn't look like a human-designed machine. If evolution can produce a self-replicating cell capable of carrying genetic material and differentiating into a complex multicellular organism, than why should it surprise me that it can produce a little 'outboard motor'?

The ID movement ought rename itself the Church of the Butt Propeller, since this appears to be one unquestionable underpinning of their faith."

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