Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Starlings vs Chomsky - - science news articles online technology magazine articles Starlings vs Chomsky

Starlings vs Chomsky - - science news articles online technology magazine articles Starlings vs Chomsky:

"Gentner created sixteen artificial starling songs that followed two different patterning rules – a human-type song which had a clause inserted in the middle of an acoustic note string and another animal-type song with a clause only at the very beginning or end of the string. Gentner then played his repertoire to a test group of eleven starlings, rewarding them with food when they managed to pick out the human-type songs.

After several months of practice, nine of the birds were able to recognize the patterns consistently and even recognize new songs that had recursive elements in them. The success was especially surprising because it means that starlings are able to grasp an element of language that experimenters have not been able to replicate in other primates."

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