Tuesday, January 21, 2003

2CPU.com - The one stop source for everything SMP!

2CPU.com - The one stop source for everything SMP! It's hard to believe that our first look at a dual Athlon 760MP based motherboard was so long ago. June 5, 2001 was the day that the NDA expired on Tyan's Thunder K7, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Now, over a year and a half later, the dual Athlon is giving way to newer and better things (Opteron anyone?). Since this is likely our last dual Athlon motherboard review (unless the rumors are true and we do get an updated chipset for Barton), it only seems fitting that we're looking at Tyan's Thunder K7X Pro. This review is making me feel nostalgic, so I'm going to crank-up the "Way Back Machine

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