Friday, January 17, 2003

Of course, you know this means WAR

Of course, you know this means WAR Propose "use or lose" laws to require rightsholders to return the copyright to the artists if the material goes out of print - reversion rights clauses are standard in book publishing (though under threat from just-in-time printing) but in general completely unavailable to filmmakers and musicians. Start lobbying now. Mickey got a reprieve from falling into the public domain; he didn't avoid the prospect altogether. There will be a next time.

Oppose further lmitations on the public domain, such as the US broadcast flag and the WIPO broadcast treaty that may work to limit the public's ability to time-shift or record TV. Continue to oppose existing bad law, such as the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (and its prospective European counterpart), and the Copyright Extension Act (a law to protect a Mouse championed by Sonny Buono???!). We can't outcompete the copyright industries' funding, but millions of us sure can make ourselves a pain in the ass if we try.

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