Friday, January 10, 2003


No TCPA! Now we're getting to the part,
where Microsoft takes control of your PC. After the booting process, Fritz hands over the control to the
software part of TCPA: Palladium.

This piece of Operating-System-Integrated software is going to determine what you are allowed to do with "your" PC.
Let's say: What you are not allowed to do with. Before you can start an application or open a document,
it checks wether it thinks you are allowed to or not. No, that's no joke. It really does. Via the Internet, Palladium
keeps an up-to-date list of software (the blacklist), you can't start. One can imagine what's on that list.
e.g: every kind of cracking / hacking software, illegal copies and so on. Sounds like Microsoft installed a DRM
via the backdoor? And that's not even all it is. Every PC with a Fritz chip has an unique ID. Only
the software you bought for THIS ID (means: your PC) would be able to run. There's not even the chance
to sell software you don't use anymore. Palladium / Fritz won't allow it to run on ANY other machine.
There's also a blacklist for documents. Imagine: You're not able to play one of your thousand MP3's anymore,
because they don't have a valid certificate, even though the original CD sits in your rack. Not one of your Movies.
You also gave Microsoft the permission to delete all the files, once it has found them. You don't believe me?
Read the last EULA of your Media Player. Whoa, surprised? I was.

No problem for me, you might think. Everything got hacked 'til now. Believe me, just one more time please.
This chipset / software combination will be different.


* It's an onboard chip, there's no way to "plug it off".
* This chip will get integrated into the processors. (just read the member list: AMD, Intel)

And there's more. Every program you want to execute has to be certified.
So, you're a developer and want to create your own programs? Of course,
with a certified IDE you're able to write your own source code. But it's not
possible to execute your programs you just developed - unless you're going
to certify them (which costs about $100.000!).

"What the heck, I'll switch to linux when TCPA is reality!"
Now we're getting to the point where you could imagine what happens to the GPL
and linux. First of all: It's no longer possible to install linux, because this Operating
System is not certified by the TCPA. No, that's not a joke. Okay, imagine there
would be a certified Linux. (HP creates one, btw). What's happening to OpenSource
development, then? Every open source developer would need to certify his program,
before he can distribute them. But how should he pay that certification?
What happens to quick bugfixes? And what happens to all the guys who want
to compile the software on their own. There is NO chance to do all that stuff.

Disapointed? I am.

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