Monday, October 17, 2005 - Views - Massachusetts Should Close Down OpenDocument - Views - Massachusetts Should Close Down OpenDocument

Friday, September 30, 2005
By James Prendergast

Officials in the state have proposed a new policy that mandates that every state technology system use only applications designed around OpenDocument file formats.
Such a policy might seem like something that should concern only a small group of technology professionals, but in fact the implications are staggering and far-reaching. The policy promises to burden taxpayers with new costs and to disrupt how state agencies interact with citizens, businesses and organizations.

Worse, the policy represents an attack on market-based competition, which in turn will hurt innovation. The state has a disaster in the making.

What and Mr. Prendergast did not state, is that the Americans for Technology Leadership coalition has Microsoft as one of it's founding members. did finally admit to this, in addition to posting some of the responses to Mr. Prendergast's article here

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