Thursday, October 27, 2005

yellowTAB - Makers of ZETA

"Standing on the shoulders of giants" - yellowTAB releases open source software: "20. September 2005

Large software projects are the work ... of lots of people: someone has an idea for a good program; others join in providing improvements and over time a the collective product takes shape as something that no single programmer would be able to develop on their own. When using something like this it is reasonable to expect the results of any work to be made available under the same conditions. This is the principle of open source software.

ZETA includes quite a lot of open source software. yellowTAB was able to include of software like bash, GCC, VLC to name just a few with ZETA and thus profit from the work of many thousands of developers. However, programs do not always work straight away when compiled for ZETA and may require changes to do so.. We make the necessary changes and fix bugs to make sure that these programs run smoothly on ZETA.

Now it's time to give something back."

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