Thursday, October 27, 2005

Unintelligible Redesign - This is the way creationism ends. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. By William Saletan

Unintelligible Redesign - This is the way creationism ends. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. By William Saletan: "According to scientists, teachers, and civil libertarians, the Taliban has invaded Ohio. Creationists have devised a theory called 'Intelligent Design' (ID) and are trying to get Ohio's Board of Education to make sure it's taught alongside Darwinism. Unlike creationism, ID accepts that the Earth is billions of years old and that species evolve through natural selection. It posits that life has been designed but doesn't specify by whom. Liberals call ID a menace that will sneak religion into public schools. They're exactly wrong. ID is a big nothing. It's non-living, non-breathing proof that religion has surrendered its war against science.

Creationism used to be assertive and powerful. Darwinism wasn't allowed in schools. As Darwin gained the upper hand, conservatives fought to preserve creationism alongside evolution. They lost the war on both fronts. Courts struck down the teaching of creationism on the grounds that it mixed church and state. Meanwhile, scientific evidence discredited the belief that the Earth was created in six days and was only 6,000 years old. Like the Taliban, creationists were washed up. Their only hope was to flee to the mountains, shave their beards, change their clothes, and come back as something else."

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